About Us
what do we stand for
Learning from nature, being inspired, taking people and their abilities seriously. Manual work and creativity with the support of machines that process the raw materials in a gentle way. Hand in hand in our own production facilities, hygienically clean and tested.
The taste: "Clear and honest!" The smell: "Pleasantly intense!" The sight: "A happy event!" We are completely committed to the clean processing of plant-based raw materials. Invigorating energy and relaxation for the soul!
From a pure matcha powder to the finished matcha mixture with various spices and oils, every product is characterized by the quality of a natural product. Here, too, we will surprise you with further innovative recipes in the future. It's not just about the extraordinary taste, but also about the effect. Life energy, inner cleansing, strengthening the body, stimulating the metabolism or stimulating the libido are just a few of the possible solutions of our actions.

Our Matchatto family
We built our manufactory on the outskirts of Berlin. Environmental awareness and social competence does not start somewhere else, but with us.
Here we develop our tea products with people from different countries. People from Bolivia, China, Germany, Japan, North Macedonia, Palestine, Poland and Syria work together in our Matchatto team. Social skills and flat hierarchies play a major role. We want to work together here in such a way that work is also a place of well-being and creativity.
We don't want to create a world of solidarity in the future, but here and now. Come by and take a look. We create regional, sustainable products that we love ourselves and drink every day. Health and enjoyment do not have to be mutually exclusive.
Matchatto surrounded by a native jungle
In our “Villa Hufeland” with a large garden and additional accommodation options, we have created a small paradise for people, animals and plants. We planted over 50 trees, built a water landscape and created hiding places for birds, insects and four-legged friends. The rainforest is on our doorstep.
The Matchatto company from Berlin-Buch has set itself the task of not just talking about sustainability and regionality, but also implementing it directly in the house and on the doorstep. Our garden is a living example of this. The Matchatto production facility in Villa-Hufeland is surrounded by natural garden design.
We have planted around 50 trees and several thousand plants here to give people, animals and insects a home in harmony with us. Many areas of the garden are reserved only for animals. This is how a native jungle was created. There is also an approximately 70m² large pond. Here ducks breed on a small island, frogs croak and dragonflies, red and blue, small and large “helicopters” fly around in summer. Many rare bird species have settled here. The nightingale sings its extraordinary songs during the day and evening. The fox has built a den for himself and the raccoons climb down from the roof in the evenings.
We love organic, for the love of nature

Organic certified
according to EC Organic Regulation

Issued by the EU control body

HACCP certified
Application of the HACCP concept